We offer 2 and 4 day programs. The 2 day programs are Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday. Our 4 day program is Monday through Thursday. Our standard day begins at 9:15 am and ends at 1:45 pm. Children must be 2 as of September 1.
Our 2’s program provides our youngest students the opportunity to expand their world through hands on exploration and play and help them build a life long enthusiasm for learning. We believe that children learn most effectively through hands on play and exploration. Children are encouraged to build upon their discoveries and natural curiosity in an environment that is fun, and each child is encouraged to grow through their interactions with teachers, other students, classroom materials and activities in a Christian based environment.
Children this age insist on trying tasks by themselves and they want control over their environment. We provide the children a chance to function independently but cooperatively as they learning how to share, communicate, listen, and use their creativity following routines appropriate to age and individual needs. Our curriculum includes both planned and spontaneous activities in response to the interests of the children. Regular experiences with art, language, music, movement, dramatic play, and building. Students will also participate in fine/gross motor development and creative movement. Both structured and unstructured physical activity will be offered each day including both inside and outside play.
Those who are not toilet trained will be introduced to the bathroom through frequent potty breaks, when they are ready, they will be instructed in the use and taught independent hand washing. All children will be encouraged to develop their unique skills and interests. Daily communication with parents will help keep parents informed about their child’s day.
Daily Schedule Example:
Table Top
Circle Time
Music / Spanish
For program registration please fill out the Registration Packet and Read and Sign the Parent Handbook. You can fill out the online version on our main page or print a hard copy and bring the completed form in person.