0 - 3 years old- Nursery - Room 105
4 years old - 2nd Grade - Room 212
3rd-grade - 5th-grade Room 209
6th-grade Confirmation Class - Room 208
The annual Confirmation Class is for those entering the 6th grade each fall. The class begins in September and concludes in May. The goal of the 6th grade Confirmation Class is to give the student the opportunity to say, “I believe” in Jesus Christ and want to be like Him. Confirmation is a journey in the Christian faith that gives each student a more thorough understanding of their faith with lots of hands-on experiences both on and outside Sunday mornings. On Confirmation Sunday, students are given the option to be confirmed and received into membership of our church.
After the Children's Moment during each worship service, all children ages 3 years - 1st grade are invited to leave the worship center and attend a Children's Church time in room 108. They will be escorted out and returned to the worship service by Children's Ministry volunteers who have received Ministry Safe training and certification.