Call Us 972-442-5835

Prayer Requests

Let us know how we can help

Need Prayer?

Wylie United Methodist church is here to support you. You are not alone in your journey.  May our prayers provide you with peace and comfort.   We are here to support you and to walk beside you.

How can we pray for you today?

Submit your prayer request using the form below or by calling the church office.

Prayer request forms can also found in the attendance folders in during worship on Sundays.

Online prayer requests are shared with our prayer group just as they are received.

Prayer Request

Having Surgery or a Procedure?

If you would like a Pastor to pray with you before a surgery or hospitalization, please contact the church office at (972) 442-5835 or by submitting the form below.  Please include the date, time and hospital where you will be having your surgery/procedure.

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